Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week In Review

Blog attempt number two is a week in review. Overall, it was a solid week of training for the offseason. My Tuesday morning swim felt great. Smooth and relatively fast. The past few swims have been my best since the Half-Rev.

Recovering from the Half took longer I thought it would. I don’t think it was until last week that I really got mentally back from the toll of the season, but last week I was craving a race.

Had a good 8 mile run on Wednesday with a 7:15/mile pace. Legs felt great. Although, I got back in the morning and Anna said she good see the frost forming on my head. A true sign that winter is coming.

Got two sessions in on my trainer. Not much to say about riding the trainer as it is an hour and a half or more staring at a wall in our dungeon-master basement. Regardless, it was two good sessions.

Now Friday’s run was a different story. Woke up to 20-30mph winds and I decided that I needed a little more pillow time. It was also one of those mornings where my legs were begging for a day off. Not a great combo for a good morning workout.

The problem is that whenever I skip that morning I will obsess about squeezing it in all day. Ask Anna. She tends to be the one that has to endure the obsession.

The weather did not improve in the afternoon and it may have gotten worse. Got home from work to find more wind, rain and cold. My exact quote, “I don’t believe I am going to go do this...I really don’t want to.”

That will teach me, though. I got out in the rain and had a great 10 miles. It turned out to be an awesome fall run.

I was able to sneak in a brick workout Saturday. Solid two mile swim followed by a 5k. A little sluggish in the run, but finished strong.

Took it easy this morning with a ride on trainer and tried to get little recovery in my legs.

Editor’s note: Took it easy this morning – HA! Then he hoisted 2x10s up to what will be the roof of my parent’s addition. Just a little strength training.

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